Today, I’m back on my Grow With Google Scholarship course, learning about Caching.

The service worker does it’s work best when it can take advantage of a cache of the requests/responses it gathers when you’re online, so it can facilitate getting you the best experience possible when you’re offline, or on what google says “LIE-fi”.

The Cache interface provides a storage mechanism for Request / Response object pairs that are cached, for example as part of the ServiceWorker life cycle.

Here are a range of methods I learned about from the Cache API, and some notes on what they’re for:

// Open up a local Cache'cache-name').then( function(cache) {
    return cache

// Add a request/response pair to the cache
cache.put(request, response)

// Add a set of Req/Res pairs to the cache all at once
cache.addAll(['/things', '/stuff'])

// get out a request promise, if it exists, from the cache

// get out a request promise, if it exists, from all the caches

// Delete a cache by its name

// Retrieve the caches names
